I'm Lulu

Welcome to my blog. I help everyone understand what it's like to be a cat!

Mommy Is A Shopaholic

Mommy Is A Shopaholic

My Mommy's name is Lisa and she's a shopaholic. It seems like at least once a week a box arrives from some place called Amazon or QVC. This time, Grandmama sent Mommy a gift. It came in a box that I spent a good half hour of my morning in. So, I have a confession to make -- I'm a box-aholic. And a bag-aholic. And a countertop-aholic. Pretty much anything that I can crawl into or climb up on is fun for me. Mommy doesn't seem to mind about the boxes, but she doesn't like when I jump up on the countertop. Especially when I knock off her important papers and an occasional cup. Here's my question -- how many cups does a single girl need? It actually makes me a little sad that Mommy has so many cups and glasses. She's just one person! And the most friends she's ever had over since I've been here are two people at the same time. What does she she need with over 10 different cups and glasses? Yes -- I can count. I'm now four and a half months old and I got my final set of shots yesterday -- along with what Mommy calls a mani pedi. You want to know what I think about all of that? It blows. And then she tried to make me wear a harness and put a leash on me. Two rolls on the carpet and I was out of that crap. After all, I'm not a dog -- I'm a cat!

I'm Remodeling

I'm Remodeling

Who is Trader Joe?

Who is Trader Joe?